1992 Piano Camp: Tape XIA
Performer Title Composer
Kevin Koehler Prelude in c#, Op. 3 #2 Rachmaninov
Brian Arreola Toccata Ravel
Daniel Kuehner Prelude in g, Op. 28 #22 Chopin
Catherine Sydow Danseuses de Delphes (Preludes I) Debussy
Carmine Mann Sonata #3 Prokofiev
Clint Fox Etude in c, Op. 10 #12 Chopin
Nathanael May Soiree dans Grenade (Estampes) Debussy
Sara Boehmke The Aerialists (The Circus) Turina
Steve Weix The Lark Glinka/Balakirev
Chris Ruck Jugglers (The Circus) Turina
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